So I’m left with trying to push the Office2010 Scrub Utility to all the 800 PC's and launch the program + Uninstall All Components silently. I DO NOT want to manually uninstall 800 copies of Office 2010. I can run the command: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe" /uninstall PROPLUSR /dll OSETUP.DLL from the command prompt but still doesn’t remove the SharePoint workspace and it won’t work when you use that command in a uninstall script from the KBox. I have already tried the MsiExec.exe /X /QN and the msiexec launches and so does the setup.exe bootstrap but Office still remains. I need to get all components of Office 2010 Removed including SharePoint workspace because I can’t install Office 2013 since the SharePoint workspace doesn’t get removed during the standard uninstall of Office 2010.

Search and delete all references to the following items: Exchange Office ADAL 7. Select the Keychain Access Search bar in the top right corner 6.

Okay i have tried everything posted here to remove Office 2010 32 bit. Close all Microsoft Office applications (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) 2.